The vibration on the planet was dropping as the galactic winter approached.
The forgetting was accelerating.
Waves of invasions and warring had spurred the Fae - and others, to veil themselves, choosing to exist behind-the-scenes.
There were still many shades to return to their natural home.
It was time for another seeding of those great civilizing agents.
Re-activating the energies running through the great megaliths.
To re-ignite and reintegrate the spark of remembering.
Refreshing the energies of the initiates amidst the waves of invasions.
The Atlantians had a plan, and the time was ripe.
Beginning the next round of waves of seeding, finding the in-betweens...
In-between places, in-between invasions, in-between timelines.
The Chess Game, and a plan to enact it.
Preventing the forgetting from finalizing.
Morgan Speaks
Veiled in mystery,
this Druidess has the opportunity to bring clarity to her story.
this Druidess has the opportunity to bring clarity to her story.
Voices of The Ancestors
Tracing Ancient Ancestors Through Time...
Book 1: Morgan Speaks
Written by:
Astra - and The Avalon Collective
Astra - and The Avalon Collective
The Series is a work-in-progress... All are being written concurrently.

Summary of Book 2:
Murder... Magic... Mystery... Megaliths
It had been - a lot.
The exile from Avalon at Glastonbury.
The murder of those she loved.
And, the one that she was trained to murder would find her and receive a reckoning of sorts.
Now she had to rely on absolutely everything she’d been taught. And not just the surviving alone in the forest - but using her metaphysical training to keep under cover and, to continue her training with the now-veiled quantum special forces - training that would endure through bloodlines and timelines.
What secrets did those megaliths imprint upon her?
Murder... Magic... Mystery... Megaliths
It had been - a lot.
The exile from Avalon at Glastonbury.
The murder of those she loved.
And, the one that she was trained to murder would find her and receive a reckoning of sorts.
Now she had to rely on absolutely everything she’d been taught. And not just the surviving alone in the forest - but using her metaphysical training to keep under cover and, to continue her training with the now-veiled quantum special forces - training that would endure through bloodlines and timelines.
What secrets did those megaliths imprint upon her?

Summary of Book 3:

Summary of Book 4:

Summary of Book 5: